Gli accordi della canzone Blowin’ in the wind di Bob Dylan:

DO FA DO LAm How many roads must a man walk down DO FA SOL7 Before you can call him a man? DO FA DO LAm How many seas must a white dove sail DO FA SOL7 Before she sleeps in the sand? DO FA DO And how many times must the LAm cannonballs fly DO FA SOL7 Before they've forever banned? FA SOL7 DO The answer my friend is MI7 LAm blowing in the wind FA SOL7 DO The answer is blowing in the wind DO FA DO LAm How many times must a man look up DO FA SOL7 Before ha can see the sky? DO FA DO LAm How many tears must hehave shed DO FA SOL7 Before he vcan hear the peopla cry? DO FA DO LAm How many wars will it take till he learns DO FA SOL7 that too many peopla have died FA SOL7 DO The answer my friend is MI7 LAm blowing in the wind FA SOL7 DO The answer is blowing in the wind DO FA DO LAm How many years can a mountain exist DO FA SOL7 Before it is washed to the sea? DO FA DO LAm How many years can some people exist DO FA SOL7 Before they're allowed to be free? DO FA DO LAm And how many times can a man turn his head DO FA SOL7 Pretending he just doesn't see? FA SOL7 DO MI7 LAm The answer my friend is blowing in the win FA SOL7 DO The answer is blowing in the wind
I testi e gli accordi delle canzoni contenuti nel sito sono proprietà dei rispettivi autori.
La Legge n. 159 del 22 maggio 1993 ne consente l'uso solo per attività didattica, di studio e di ricerca.
Gli autori potranno richiederne la rimozione in qualsiasi momento.
L'intepretazione degli accordi è frutto di un mio lavoro individuale.